

the first time.

It snowed last night, for the first time this winter.

It didn't stick around for too long, but that didn't stop me from wearing my giant snow boots or drinking three pints of hot chocolate today.

I spent the entire day grocery shopping (eating is a lot of work) and I obviously had the cold in mind -- when I got home, I realized that we'll be eating a lot of soups this week. Along with hot chocolate, of course.

Cozy, right? A mug of soup? Watching the snow fall? Maybe also watching an embarrassing holiday Lifetime movie?

I love this time of the year.

The only downside is with this weather - I can never escape getting chapped lips. Gross, right? For some reason, I've always been concerned with meeting people and shaking hands and being professional (you know, in my work life) and having chapped lips. You're right, I probably should be more concerned that my mis-buttoned coat makes me look like I'm off my medication or that all the runs in my pantyhose looks like I've been wearing them consistently for five and a half days, but no - it's always the chapped lips I'm worried about.

K's sister uses this great trick with eucerin (that's right, the lotion).

She smears it all over her lips and lets it sink in. Yeah, you might have to spend a few minutes looking like a clown after a long, hard night, but I recommend doing this in the privacy of your own home. Nice, smooth lips afterwards.

I'm hoping that this saves me from purchasing my regular 2,168 tubes of chapstick over the course of the winter. And maybe lets me save up for a new pair of pantyhose.

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