


For the past week, I've been home with an ocular migraine.

What does an ocular migraine feel like?

Here, ask Scott Summers:

Too extreme? (I'm such a baby when it comes to being sick.)

In addition to the extreme X-Men level shooting red light pain I've felt, I have been so, utterly bored.

(so has my girlfriend.)

I've managed to catch up on the last three seasons of Law & Order SVU (bless you, instant watching Netflix), sleep, occasionally bathe, and sleep more.

She actually managed to make something.

How adorable is our new coat rack?

Oh, and this reminds me -- I did manage to model for that last shot. Nice bathrobe, right? I'm fancy these days.

She measured and painted and crackled and drilled and everything.

Maybe if my migraine sticks around, she'll be bored enough to make cabinet doors?

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