


To be perfectly honest, I don't know if I ever thought I would encourage someone to take fashion advice from me, the person who decided to show off her button collection in sixth grade by wearing all 108 pins to school.

One hundred eight. 108.

I've had a lot of moments in my life where I've been lucky enough to actually see the love my family has for me - but I think that one of the most obvious moments was when my mother found herself pinning an "Over the Hill" button to the back of her twelve-year-old daughter's sweatshirt at seven in the morning.

Because I asked her to.

Passed down through the family -- I myself love the idea of encouraging someone to show off their creative side (and the idea of trying something new, no matter how uncomfortable, literally, it makes you. 108 buttons, for the love.) - So, with my good friend (and more stylish) Jane, we're opening a vintage shoppe on etsy to help find that perfect something for all of us. It's called blouse. And it's lovely, if you ask me.

We hope that you think it's lovely too. And know that if you just happen to need someone to pin a hundred buttons all over your Z. Cavaricci jeans, we're here.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Yaaaaaaayyyyy BLOUSE! :)